Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Is racism and anti-semitism still a problem in the United States Assignment

Is racism and anti-semitism still a problem in the United States - Assignment Example The root causes of racism and anti-Semitism are derived from the ideology of the white man’s burden that continues to be the hallmark of white supremacy. In addition, one cannot diminish the fact that America was founded upon the idea of â€Å"melting pot.† Racism and anti-Semitism are prevalent in American society due to enactment of affirmative action, ethnic profiling post September 11, and the vague existence of the KKK, Racism and anti-Semitism still exist in American society due to the fact that affirmative action legislatures were enacted to give minorities an opportunity for employment. Anti-affirmative action enables minorities to be embedded in the work and schools so society does not discriminate against them. Majority of the executives in the American Society are dominated by male executives. Racism is also founded due to the economic status of some minorities. Many Americans feel as if they would be unemployed as minorities will continue to take their curre nt posts. According to CNN, in 2004 the percentage of Americans living under the poverty level was 12.5%. Without these laws, companies and schools can easily discriminate to Racism and anti-Semitism no doubt continue to still exist in American society after the attacks in September 11 that has lead to unfair racial profiling. After the attacks in September 11, Muslims and Jews have became a target group for racial and ethnic profiling. Many US citizen Muslims were detained, deported or sent to Guantanamo Bay for felonies and crimes that they never committed. According to ADL, a survey conducted â€Å"revealed that while 44% of foreign-born Hispanics hold hardcore anti-Semitic beliefs, 20% of Hispanic Americans born in the U.S. fall into the same category.† Furthermore, the government itself continues to propagate against the Muslims and created barriers for the general public to learn more about Islam. Racism and anti-Semitism undoubtedly are still part of American society a s they are depicted through the existence of the KKK. The KKK was an organization that was initiated after the civil war to embed fear, blackmail into minorities. Many joined the KKK as a push to solidify the concept of white supremacy along with showing their patriotism. Although the existence of KKK is vague, the organization continues to impact American society. According to Spartacus Educational, â€Å"On 17th May, 2000, the FBI announced that the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing had been carried out by the Ku Klux Klan splinter group, the Cahaba Boys.† Undoubtedly, racism will continue to haunt the American society for decades to come and impact the future generations of America. The American generation must continue to fight racism in many ways and accept the diversity that America was founded upon. Ignorance and self-hatred must be abolished in order to understand the beauty of diversity As young generation grows older, it is vital that they stop history from re peating itself by propagating against anti-Semitism and racism. Works Cited Anti-Semitism on the Rise in America -- ADL Survey on Anti-Semitic Attitudes Reveals 17 Percent of Americans Hold "Hardcore"

Monday, October 28, 2019

Negative Utilitarianism Essay Example for Free

Negative Utilitarianism Essay Most utilitarian theories deal with producing the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. Negative utilitarianism (NU) requires us to promote the least amount of evil or harm, or to prevent the greatest amount of suffering for the greatest number. Proponents like Karl Popper, Christoph Fehige and Clark Wolf argue that this is a more effective ethical formula, since, they contend, the greatest harms are more consequential than the greatest goods. Karl Popper also referred to an epistemological argument: â€Å"It adds to clarity in the fields of ethics, if we formulate our demands negatively, i. e., if we demand the elimination of suffering rather than the promotion of happiness. † (Karl R. Popper,1945) Most forms of utilitarianism hold that we ought to do that which maximises the good and minimises the bad. There is some disagreement about what the good and the bad are whether the good is people being happy and the bad is people being unhappy, or the good is people getting what they want and the bad is people not getting what they want, or whateverbut most utilitarians agree that whatever the good and the bad are, we ought to bring about as much of the former and as little of the latter as is possible. Negative utilitarians disagree. Negative utilitarians are concerned only with minimising the bad. They dont think we ought to maximise the good and minimise the bad, and that when we must choose between the two we must weigh the difference that we can make to the one against the difference that we can make to the other; rather, negative utilitarians hold just that we ought to minimise the bad, that we ought to alleviate suffering as far as we are able to do so. Suppose that I have a choice to make: I can either make the happiest man in the world even happier than he already is, or I can alleviate some of the suffering of the unhappiest man in the world. Suppose further that the difference that I can make to the happy man is much greater than the difference that I can make to the unhappy man. Most utilitarians would say that in this case I ought to help the happy man. As I can make a greater difference to the life of the happy man than I can make to the life of the unhappy man, it is the happy man whom I should help. Negative utilitarians disagree. Negative utilitarians hold that it is more important to alleviate suffering than it is to promote pleasure, and that I should therefore always choose to alleviate suffering rather than promote pleasure when forced to choose between the two. In most supporters of moderate NU the preference to survive is stronger than the wish to be freed from suffering, so that they refuse the idea of a quick and painless destruction of life. Some of them believe that, in time, the worst cases of suffering is defeated and a world of minor suffering can be realized. The big problem with negative utilitarianism is that it appears to require the destruction of the world. The world contains much suffering, and the future, presumably, contains a great deal more suffering than the present. Each of us will suffer many calamaties in the course of our lives, before those lives finally end with the suffering of death. There is a way, however, to reduce this suffering: we could end it all now. With nuclear weapons technology, we have the capability to blow up the planet, making it uninhabitable. Doing so would cause us all to suffer death, but death is going to come to us all anyway, so causing everyone to die will not increase the suffering in the world. Causing us to die now, though, will decrease the suffering in the world; it will prevent us from suffering those calamaties that were going to plague us during the remainder of our lives. Destroying the planet, then, will reduce the suffering in the world. According to negative utilitarianism, then, it is what we ought to do. That, though, is surely absurd. Negative utilitarianism, therefore, is false. References (Karl R. Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies, London 1945).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

5 Modes Of Transportation :: essays research papers

5 Modes of Transportation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to have easy mobility of persons and goods, it is necessary to have a sophisticated and widespread transportation system. This system is made up of five primary areas of transportation, which are: - Motor vehicles - Railroad transportation - Air transportation - Water transportation - Pipelines Each of these five modes consists of different subsystems which make up the system. Each mode is used to transport persons or goods, but in many instances, one mode may be favored over the others. All five modes require some primary source of funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure. These funds may come from a number of different places such as the federal government, state, or the city through which the system runs. Different government agencies have jurisdiction over the modes. These agencies focus on maintaining and improving safety of each system. The individual states also have certain obligations to the operation and regulation of the different modes of transportation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each mode is made up of primary subsystems. The subsystems of railroad transportation include freight trains and passenger trains. Freight trains are used to transport goods and materials between cities while passenger trains are used to transport people. Although freight trains are still used all across the nation, rail intercity freight has accounted for a decreasing share of the total ton mileage over the past 30 years. This is mostly due to the increase in truck transport. Rail passenger traffic had also declined over the years until better service was offered by Amtrak and the price of fuel increased. Much of the decline in rail passenger traffic has been due to the increasing number of air passengers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Air transport can also be divided into the subsystems of passenger and freight transport. Passenger air travel has rapidly increased over the years due to: - Increasing Gross National Product - Increasing wealth of the middle-income groups - Increasing number of nonprimary industry in the economic system - Increasing amount of general aviation - Improved technology The areas for air transport of express and freight and mail has also increased rapidly over the years. This is due mostly to improved technology which has steadily lowered the cost of air transport.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Like rail and air transport, water transportation can also be broken down to passenger and freight transport. Passenger transportation by water only accounts for a very small percentage of water transport because it is very slow and relatively inconvenient for most people. This is primarily used by people for vacation purposes. Most often, water transport is used for freight movement of items that are bulky and of low cost per unit volume.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Importance of Improving Communication Skills in the Business World

My biggest challenge while trying to move up the corporate ladder is interpersonal communication with co-workers and presentation speeches in front of the owners and financial managers. During my childhood, I did not have the opportunity to communicate with my parents or examples of loud arguments and negative personal attacks. Humans develop language and social skills from its surroundings so I guess I can blame mine on my dysfunctional family. At least I did almost five years ago. When the Director of Finance promoted me to senior accountant, his only constructive criticism was to attend different communication courses to groom me for the Assistant Director of Finance position. The frustration of feeling misunderstood and being unable to make ourselves understood by another person is my a constant hurdle for me and considered a barrier of communication (anything that blocks the meaning of what is being said) that many humans experience. Great communication can be compared to the way we build our buildings, one brick at a time. The foundation of the house is trust and we develop trust with personal interaction not as a group. It is said that to speak effectively, a person should be open, direct and bold; however, that is what got me into these classes in the first place. The classes teach how to balance finesse and respect with boldness and direct communication. As mentioned earlier, constantly conquering and rising above the barrier of communication. To name some of the barriers that arise daily are stereotyping, language, showing approval or disapproval, and becoming defensive. In my opinion, stereotyping is the biggest obstacle amongst people. Stereoty pe is a label or typecast of another person based on an oversimplifie... ... is an important variable--if there were never any time pressures, collaboration might always be the best approach to use. In addition to time pressures, some of the most important factors to consider are issue importance, relationship importance, and relative power: †¢ â€Å"Issue importance - the extent to which important priorities, principles or values are involved in the conflict. †¢ Relationship importance - how important it is that you maintain a close, mutually supportive relationship with the other party. †¢ Relative power - how much power you have compared to how much power other party has. â€Å" (Whetten 2002) Finally, learning the importance of interpersonal communication and effectively utilizing it daily as part of my normal daily routine, the Assistant Director of Finance in a multimillion dollar hotel is mine, which has been my goal for the last five years

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A&P Character Analysis

In the short story, â€Å"A & P,† John Updike’s character, Sammy, is a clerk at the A&P supermarket. His thoughts, language, and attitude throughout the story indicate he is a narrow-minded, cynical, typical teenager with a strong curiosity in the opposite sex and an extreme sense of detail. The A&P store is located right in the middle of a smaller type town, where everyone knew one another. He interprets one customer as being old, dull and unable to relate to young people only because the customer was elderly, is an example of being cynical. Sammy’s intensive opinions and interpretations proved his lack of knowledge outside the small town. For example, he is disrespectful in his thoughts towards the â€Å"A & P† customers, seeing them as â€Å"sheep† and â€Å"houseslaves. † This is the part that it becomes obvious that he does not care about the customers and is unhappy at his job. Sammy’s aspiration for Queenie, which begins simply as a young man’s attention in a pretty girl, ends up being why Sammy stood up to his boss and quit â€Å"A & P†. Sammy’s unhappiness with his job is shown throughout the whole story with his negative comments about the different people walking through the store. Sammy spoke of his manager having a very fine sense of observation, noting the manager didn’t like the way Sammy smiled. As the girls were leaving the store, Sammy had a vision of how happy he would be to be able to leave the store with them. Thinking quickly, Sammy decided to tell his boss he quit, saying in a loud like voice, hoping to be loud enough for the girls to hear him. After Sammy had said the words I quit there was no way to take back what he had said, it was a done deal, and he couldn’t back out from quitting now. Sammy quickly folded his apron laying it on the counter. Walking out to the parking lot, only to find the girls were gone. His effort of trying to be a hero to the girls by standing up to his boss was not a success. There here stood, in the parking lot, looking in the store window, wondering to himself if he had just made the right choice.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

British constitutional principle Essays

British constitutional principle Essays British constitutional principle Essay British constitutional principle Essay British constitutional principle of judicial independence Convention tracking its statutory origin and was enacted in 1701, Act of Settlement. The Act formally recognized the independence of the judiciary, the main content, secure the right to use qualification subject to good behaviour , the removal of the judge (an address of both houses of parliament), and also the establishment of an appropriate mechanism.Convention in doing so given a set of legislative handle reiterated that the cornerstone of the separation of powers, judicial independence doctrine important pillar one. Doctrine and Its Interpretation Of The Multi-Faceted The theory of the independence of the judiciary, the doctrine of separation of powers, an integral part of the American political doctrine, in order to maintain the judiciary, legislature and executive branches (three branches of government) in addition to the government in decision-making and business.The main object of the theory and the philosophy behind it is to prevent a fall into the hands of any department of the government there is no accountability, and absolute power. In practice, although the judge is expected not to interfere with the governments business, it is not the worlds most influential common law jurisdiction, the United States, where the Supreme Court has the power to blow down the legislation is unconstitutional (Marbury v Madison) and illegal destruction of the power and sovereignty of the legislative Council.The Executive Executive power is vested in the Cabinet of Ministers is appointed by the Yang di-Pertu an Agong. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of the appointment of the Prime Minister for the first time, members of the House of Representatives, presided over the cabinet. Prime number on whose behalf the members of the House of Representatives by the Minister of his judgment is likely to get the confidence of the majority of members that house. Yang di-Pertuan Agong of State to appoint other ministers between members of any parliament building.The Cabinet collective responsibility to Parliament. The Legislature The legislative powers conferred by the Constitution of Malaysia in Parliament State Legislative Assemblies. Parliament has been defined as Article 44 of the Constitution By Yang di-Pertuan Agong, that the two houses which name the Dewan Negara (Senata) and the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives). The Senate elected and appointed members. Elect two representatives per country to the senate. Yang di-Pertuan Agong appointed members appointed.Members of the House of Representative by 222 electoral term of until the dissolution of Parliament. That unless faster dissolving Parliament should continue for five years from the date of the first meeting. The Judiciary The Judiciary by Part IX of the Constitution. It includes Federal Court, the Court of Appeal and the High Court in Malaya state and other in Sabah and Sarawak. Courts jurisdiction is to control Article 121A of the High Court does not have jurisdiction in any issues related to sharia courts (the courts having jurisdiction over people believe in the religion of Islam).The Federal Court set 121 (2) the right to decide the appeal decision Court of Appeal, the High Court judge, such as the original or contact jurisdiction specified in Article 128 and 130, or other judicial jurisdictions as may be conferred by or under federal law. Article 121 (1B) provides for the establishment of the Court of Appeals has jurisdiction over the appeal against the decision, to determine High Court or its judges and other jud icial jurisdictions, may be granted or under federal law.In addition to the Federal Court, the Court of Appeal and the High Court (the superior courts), and also the lower court under Article 121 (1) the Sessions Courts and the Magistrates Court. THE HOUSE OF LORDS Ironically Chamber The same is true position in the UK, which said that the doctrine has its genesis. For ages, the House of Lords Appeal Court (The House of Lords), the Chief Justice and other law lords sitting in one of the Houses of Parliament on the bench, and presided over the legislation, change it, even if does not participate in the debate, and have enjoyed the exercise voting rights egislation and participate in the process, the executive branch of government and the legislature. In Europe, the judges are free to exercise their powers , revocation does not meet the Treaty of Rome legislation (the statute that gave life to the EEC). The practice continues to this day unabated. Malaysia and Doctrines In a pattern of parliamentary democracy, and its interpretation of the classic, is a sovereign state. This concept also applies in Malaysia has adopted the British parliamentary democracy, the legal framework and many of its style.However, all those who do not understand or accept the practice of parliamentary democracy and the concept of separation of powers, scholars and practitioners in the legal professions views on this issue appear often superficial and embarrassing. For many people, including the Malaysian Bar and his colourful vocal predecessor, the independence of the judiciary environment doctrine of judicial officers, social prison, you can’t play a role, if they shared a cup of tea with the president of the executive authorities.This is wrong. More emotion, or even more disturbing is that they deliberately ignored the independence of the judiciary, its limitations , contradictions inevitably overlap in practice and a violation of the doctrine of the deeper meaning. The indepen dence of the judiciary is not the product of an article of the Constitution, is not ignorant of the group of lawyers, politicians or scholars misunderstood. This is a constitutional convention, such as the method to solve the 1701 support section of the legislation by the smallest.It is a theory, a theory that is given life and meaning through good conduct and good conscience and integrity, such well-known men on Clapham omnibus. It a responsible government responsibility the judiciary included. Evolution of the principle of judicial independence as time goes on in the changing political and legal landscape is different things to different people, but it remains fundamentally about the judge to assume their responsibilities, without having to worry about any oppression external impact.This includes media criticism, criticism of the legal and judicial fraternity and the power of money, political power, otherwise it will hinder a clear and fearless distributive justice in the fear of the fear of the rule of law. Judiciary faces many challenges in this regard, in Malaysia. At least these poor ignorant some members who pose the biggest challenge , and its operation is independent of the doctrine in their day-to-day in violation of it. The poor judicial behaviour is the privilege of the Parliament to deal with.This is not to say that in the bar or the media. The poor judgment of the privileges and obligations of the Court of Appeal, rather than uninformed politically motivated lawyers, retired judges or scholars to usurp the constitutional convention theme. The doctrine of independent thinking, independent of external influences (not simply the other branches of government) , independent of personal bias, political and religious restrictions and the urgent need of the society.Maybe this is for the latter reason, why the embarrassment bars and opposition political parties in Malaysia, they do not take action, and sought to evade a change Christian Judge Lau Bee Lian sitting to hear a controversial and highly sensitive issue, religious heart and religious overtones of the conflict, read law, she will not be able to distance themselves, or so independent and forensic the Allah substance (Malaysian Catholic Herald).Larger than life salaries, judges often intentionally designed to provide them with more than just a simple comfortable life and financial security payment. Its also designed to protect them from the money to money inducements and other commercial considerations , may influence their decisions, their thought processes, the temptation of a judge. External influences other safeguards judicial independence, judicial officers, while on the bench, including protecting them from prosecution, and the qualifications.Sometimes misunderstood, lawyer s and judges proved ground breaking case, in Australia, in 2005, the last protection. Violation Of The Great History Of Our Lives Commitment in the State Court of Appeals judge before chief magistrat e Di-Fingeleton she did the trial of an offense and to imprisonment for a term not promise still sitting justice in Queensland, Australia in the 2005 final protection omissions (immunity from prosecution in office) personnel. Her test and then held on this issue is generally considered to be a purely political movement.Australian High Court to overturn her conviction and order her release from prison is a harsh criticism, the judicial officers of the Queensland judicial system and the process of trial and convicted Fingleton sitting. Criticism of the High Court directed, mainly in the low court judge in the state administrative and justice for their collective failure to understand what is a very basic principles of jurisprudence and constitutional law which, among other things dealing with the independence of the judiciary doctrine in the background, the separation of powers.Greater historical places, such as Australia bagged Gough Whitlam Australian Government to prove breach of t his doctrine in 1975 by Sir Garfield Barwick Justice opposing views. Judge of the Federal High Court sitting in Australia often did not condemn cause adverse impact on the evaluation of the governments political decisions, and in more recent times, the Australian Prime Minister Gillard (Julia Gillard) government encroachment of the Chief Justice of the High Court, she decided to send the processing of refugees in Malaysia can be said to be in breach of Australias human rights obligations.Afternoon, Gillard will seek legislation to overcome the barrier of the sovereign authority of the legislature in the judicial things first reading. Apparently did not understand the background and significance of its deep-seated, of Salleh Abbas swallow things and his dismissal by the Malaysian Bar is a political issue. Also undermine the convention, but with good reason, is not without precedent. Malaysian lawyers and political events, the power of the attack Run, do not understand the doctrine, o r the legality of such action overlap.Informed Public Comment The Risk Of Disease From decisions or influence other judges or members of them and their decisions, an important pillar of the doctrine of separation of powers on the independence of the judiciary into disrepute count of public and professional independence. (Contempt the advice of counsel and with the judges in the past, this is an area of ? only parliamentary or another court properly constituted and open have the right to correct and comment).Ridicule and negative public comments is a form of interference with the independence of the judiciary, the surface as contempt proceedings. This includes unwarranted opinions, judges have a harmless cup of tea with the Prime Minister of the day. Interpolation due to the misconduct of such a statement, or even can’t be ignored, let alone punished. All accounts, both the precedents and no understanding of constitutional law, the Malaysian Bar and vocal embarrass yourself wi th these distant Tea Party is a potential violation of judicial independence advocates.Question 2 Johar borrowed RM6,000 from Yati but Johar was unable to repay the full amount within five months as Johar promised to Yati. After some negotiation between Johar and Yati, Yati agreed to accept RM3,000 from Johar in full settlement of the debt instead of RM6,000. However, after Johar had paid to Yati, he still received a letter from Yati demanding the balance of the loan which amounts of RM3,000. ConsiderationThe agreement is not a valid consideration invalid, one of these categories of agreements unless they are exempted from the rules listed in the same section. Section 2(d) Contact Act 1950 Promised desire, commitment or any other person or to give up to do, or to do or give up to do, or promise to do so, or to do things, such act or abstinence or promise to give up the commitment to be called to consider Can be seen as a bargain, or the price paid by the party, purchase commitments or actions of other consideration.Pledged when the offer or commitment to do or give up to do things, to have to pay the price. The price to be paid may perform a future act or abstinence is an act or abstinence or price. Offer and Acceptance Offer and acceptance analysis is a traditional method to determine whether an agreement exists between the parties contract law. The agreement an offer that certain terms of the contract entered into by a person (the offeror) (the offeree) the offeror wishes no further negotiations.The contract, said to have accepted the offer (the terms of the agreement) by the offeror offeror bargain induced promises or commitments, the performance has been considered to exist. Both the offer and the acceptance formula to determine the moment in the development of the 19th century formed. This contract has been weakened traditional methods of the development of the law of estoppel, misleading conduct and misleading statements and unjust enrichment. Conclusion Johar had negotiated with Yati and make an agreement which Yati agreed to accept RM3,000 from Johar for full settlement instead of RM6,000. Therefore, after Johar had paid RM3,000 to Yati as full settlement, means this scenario had already been settled, Yati shouldn’t had any argument. As the agreement that they had made, Johar should only needed to pay a total amount of RM3,000 to Yati, and Johar had already paid to Yati, so Johar may just ignore the letter that given by Yati.

Monday, October 21, 2019

3 Oil Gas Plays Essay

3 Oil Gas Plays Essay 3 Oil Gas Plays Essay 3 Oil & Gas Companies To Buy Right Now I used the following screener to find the following plays: Independent Oil & Gas PEG 1 Forward P/E 10 Two of the following stocks may currently trade at a fair price based on historical P/E, however they are bargains when you look at their forward P/E and future growth opportunities. Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (BXE) Bellatrix Exploration is an oil and gas company based in Canada. The firm has a lot of land in Alberta, Canada. There are 14 analysts covering the stock all giving a strong buy/buy rating and an average target of $12 a share. Bellatrix continues to grow rapidly every year, with no signs of stopping any time soon. Source - Average EPS estimates for 2015 are 0.84 per share. Applying a PE multiple of 10 (which it is currently trading above at 10.8), I can see the stock trading at $8.40 by the end of 2015. This represents a return of 21% from current levels ($6.9 a share). The firm has a PEG ratio of 0.36. PEG looks at the P/E ratio divided by the annual EPS growth. A figure below 1 is seen as undervalued. A figure of 0.36 highlights the current P/E ratio hardly takes into account the growth opportunities the firm has to offer over the next few years. Abraxas Petroleum Corp (AXAS) I am going to use the same logic I used for BXE. Average EPS estimates for 2015 are 0.69 per share. Applying a conservative PE multiple of 10 (it is currently trading at a multiple of 13.15), I can see the stock trading at $6.90 in the medium term. This represents a return of 31% from current levels ($5.26

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Crafting Business Writing Goals for Performance Reviews

Crafting Business Writing Goals for Performance Reviews To accurately measure employee business writing, itis critical to link the business goals of the employee's key documents to specific writing attributes. "Better report writing" or "more clear email" is too vague and impossible to measure. Instead, approach it more strategically: Define the goals of the documents your employees need to write. Assess the sub-skills required for these documents. Evaluate if these identified sub-skills actually support the overall document goals. What is the desired outcome for the employee's documents? First, identify the key documents the employee needs to write and then assess the requisite skills for each of these major documents. For example, if an employee needs to write spec documents for vendors, the end goal of these spec documents is likely receiving vendor RFPs that accurately respond with solutions that match your company's specs and needs. Or, if employees need to write reports on the status of critical company equipement, the end goal of these status reports is likely keeping your executive team informed about key equipment or perhaps requesting funding for needed repairs. So, the first task in crafting employee business writing goals is defining the real business purpose of each document. Don't move immediately to syntax and language, which is a very common mistake. Every business document requires five core requisite skills: Audience awareness Appropriate content Content logically categorized Content logically sequenced Syntax and grammar that is clear and correct and interesting Let's apply these requisite skills to the employee who needs to write spec documents: Sub-skill = audience awareness - Do the spec documents accurately address an identified reader (i.e. the employee understands when a vendor is unfamiliar, or familiar, or interested, or disinterested, or experienced, or less experienced). In essence, the employee is able to critically assess both the project and the vendor's current understanding. Sub-skill = appropriate content - Do the spec documents provide complete yet non-redundant information,based on vendor needs.For example, a vendor who has never worked with your company likely needs more background information than a vendor who has successfully completed a similar project before. This is the most important skill in business writing. Be sure you thoroughly assess the substance of your employees' documents. This substance - the information, details, and general content - enables a reader to know or do the task at hand, so it's critical. Any gaps or errors here, and it can echo into very costly problems later. Sub-skill = logical organization - Are the spec documents logically organized? Is the information logically grouped, and tiered? Can the vendor readily identify significant information and delineate what is essential from background information? Sub-skill = logical sequencing - Do the spec documents start at the best place, move logically through the information, and close clearly and logically? Sub-skill = language and syntax and format - Is the grammar correct in the spec documents? Is the language clear? Is the tone professional and well matched to your company and vendor? Is the document easy to skim and absorb for busy readers? This same process can be applied to customer service email, quarterly performance reports, business justification documents, or any key documents you or your employees write.The key is to identify the desired business outcome of key documents, and then break down the requisite skills into measurable components. Goals must be linked to document outcome, with the skills broken down, or there is no real way to measure the progress or identify the skill gaps. Without the skill gaps clearly identified, any training or feedback will be hit or miss. Most performance reviews for business writing focus primary on syntax - the language, grammar, and tone of the document. That is a mistake. It's essential to evaluate both substance and syntax. To do this, we have to first define purpose and then assess the requisite sub-skills. There is another significant benefit of linking the document goals to specific rhetorical measurements. It's very likely that some employees, particularly non-native business writers, are weak in syntax and grammar, yet have fantastic analytical skills. This approach strengthens that desirable analytical thinking and places focus on the areas where real skill gains can happen. WHERE WE CAN ASSIST We can analyze your employees' writing skills and write the performance goals for you. As you can see, this requires a thoughtful document purpose and writing analysis. All of our customized business writing training includes this assessment. Our executive business writing coaching program includes this, and coaches the employee until these identified skills are attained.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

U.S. Census Data and Mental Maps Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

U.S. Census Data and Mental Maps - Assignment Example In regard to the 2000 U.S. Census, the smallest spatial scale for comprehensive population data such as home, ownership, etc. is Block. In fact, Block data provides the smallest scale since it can be generalized to tabulate other levels of data i.e., other data stream from Block data aggregation. Paths: channels or familiar routes on which observers occasionally, potentially, or customarily move, e.g. the Goshen Trail at IL route 157 2. Districts: Regions with noticeable internal homogeneity, which mentally, the observer gets in â€Å"inside of† and the region has some familiar, recognizable character, e.g. Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. Edges: are lines separating districts, e.g. Izmir Bay. Landmarks: are points of reference, usually distinct physical objects, e.g. the campus Clock Tower. Nodes: is an attraction centre that an observer enters e.g. primary junctions on campus Origins of Cities Both the Ancient Athens and Ancient Rome had civilization and achievements, plus Golden Ages. While the Ancient Athens developed direct democracy, Ancient Rome gave the landowners directives to elect their representation. As Athenians achieved in sculpture, literature and art, drama and comedy, Ancient Rome achieved in engineering, aqueducts and roads and copied the Athenians’ learning. ... The apartment in the medieval cities could be occupied by people, whose vicious cycle obligated them to stay there ((Knox and McCarthy 145). The street design of cities and architecture during the renaissance through the baroque era had the quality of perfect suitability with an expression of a culture’s mechanical knowledge. Architecture became demystified in preparation to the way for contemporary design. Cities such as the Rome got influenced by this period. Mercantile Era (1790-1840). During the Mercantile Era, new gateway cities emerged along waterways which connected the western territories and Atlantic Seaboard. The rise of interstate freeways, sub regional passenger airports, waterway transportation and railroads, increased the mobility of commodities and people. Utilitarianism refers to the ethical policy that the correctness of an action should be based on whether it boosts the total of human delight, or value. During the Mercantile Era in the U.S., businesses used t he utilitarianism philosophy to operate on free competition with maintained reforms to develop the lower classes’ conditions. Figure 1: The Sjoberg’s Model of the Preindustrial City. From figure 1, the preindustrial cities occupied by undersized exclusive elite, catered for through their domestics, have powers over the city’s social functions. The lower classes in the preindustrial city are relatively more than the elites, while the majority consigned to the external city edges are the outcastes. Early Industrial Era (1840-1875) Agglomerate economies refer to the net benefits of putting up one or more businesses within a large population center or city. These economies occur due to market benefits that outweigh the additional expenses of residing in a city.

Friday, October 18, 2019

HSTORY AND THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HSTORY AND THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - Essay Example As a consequence they were in desperate need to pay their debts, for which they levied a variety of taxes. The so-called Navigation Acts were perhaps the first decision of the British Parliament to be received coldly by the American Colonials. These acts, technically several of them, dated back to the 1650’s and sought to mandate that all traded goods coming from the European continent and headed for the American Colonies must first pass through Great Britain so as to ensure that British merchants would benefit from the trade. They had for decades been ignored by the Americans who, in violation of these acts, simply traded as they wished (Beard 1944, p. 91). With the ruinous debt Britain faced after 1763, the Crown sought to pay that debt by taxing the colonies. If the acts had been applied uniformly to all subjects of the British Empire, then perhaps the Americans would not have been bothered by them. The opposite was the case. â€Å"The ‘main material part’ of the Navigation Acts [was] acceptable†¦Americans were not opposed to regulations of their general commerce by Parliament, ‘providing such regulations were bona fide for the benefit of the whole Empire, not for the small advantage of one part to the great injury of another’† (Doren 1938, p. 490). That was the background. The Molasses Act of 1733 had sought to tax molasses made in the French West Indies to the benefit of the more expensive British-made variety. The Americans, many of whom themselves shipped in the illegal molasses, openly refused to obey the 1733 legislation. In 1764 Parliament passed the Sugar Act, which â€Å"reflected a shrewd effort by the ministry to balance American and British interests† (Henretta 2000, p. 149). The speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives argued that the duties on sugar constituted a tax, so that the Sugar Act was ‘contrary to a fundamental Principall of our Constitution: That all Taxes ought

Death penalty for specifically identified egregious crimes Essay

Death penalty for specifically identified egregious crimes - Essay Example Retreat From the Death Penalty†, it was revealed that more criminal justice practitioners and scholars have expressed increasing opposing arguments in terms of the effectiveness of capital punishment in servicing the paramount purpose for its imposition: deterrence and retribution. As emphasized, â€Å"a distinguished committee of scholars convened by the National Research Council found that there is no useful evidence to determine if the death penalty deters serious crimes† (America’s Retreat From the Death Penalty par. 2). The result was an apparent decline in the number of executions, from a high of 98 executions in 1999 up to only 43 executions in 2012 (Facts About Death Penalty). There are still a reported number of 33 states which were noted to concur on capital punishment; and only 17 were identified as non-death penalty states (Facts About Death Penalty). At the rate that the number of executions have apparently been manifested to be on a declining trend, only confirms that the national consensus against its continued implementation has been openly relayed. One strongly believes that capital punishment is not the most effective means for crime deterrence; since it only perpetuates a system of revenge through taking the life of the perpetuator. The preservation of life has been regarded as paramount to human values and beliefs and thus, killing and taking another person’s life, to replace one that was unjustly lost, does not justify the wrong that has been done.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Chinese Coolie Labor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chinese Coolie Labor - Essay Example es between the Chinese coolie trade and African slave trade was that the coolies were either deceived or kidnaped and then kept in detention centers that were as dangerous as the once used in the slave trade. The difference between the trades was that the Chinese government kept tabs on what was happening to the coolies that had been contracted in the Latin American region, USA, Canada. The coolies were also paid as per the contract agreement as opposed to African slaves (1). According to Hu-Dehart (1994), The coolies that went to Cuba most of them died due to mistreatment or the poor working conditions. Most of them did not out leave their contract that was mostly for around six years. The other difference between the Chinese Coolies and African slave trade is that whereas the African slaves got captured, the Chinese coolie went to work voluntarily due to factors like poverty and famine. The coolie trade is very different from the slave trade and cannot be considered as slave trade. This is because the two are very different. Below are some of the reasons that make the coolie trade different from the slave trade. They included: The coolie workers had a contract: according to According to Hu-Dehart (1994), the coolie workers had a contract of five years under the British and eight years in Cuba and Peru. The contract was between a free employee and an employer. The contract also spelled out the duties and obligations of the employees. It also included the wages and the other kind payment that the employer could receive like food clothing and housing (39). The coolies also had the right to buy out their contract at the end of their contract or when they reached the age of twenty-six years so long as they had the funds to buy out their contraction. In case of a slave, one remained so their whole life that is why it sis unfair to say that coolie trade was slavery since coolies had the right to regain their freedom at the end of the contract (44). The coolies

Macroeconomics of Botswana Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Macroeconomics of Botswana - Research Paper Example ional firm of diamond contracted a ten-year agreement with Botswana to shift Botswana’s sorting of rough stone and division of trading by 2013, from London to Gaborone. This transformation will help support the decline of industry of diamond in Botswana, (Norda?s, Gilbert and Gloria 52). The economic freedom of Botswana ranges to about 70.6, achieving the 30th position of the freest economy in the index of 2013. It has an average score of 1.0 point grater that 2012 mainly because of progressive improvements in liberty from economic corruption and government expenditure management. The country is the second in forty-six nations in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa and has average score greater than the global and regional averages. The economy of Botswana is expanding mainly due to foreign investment fueled by reduced taxes, stability in political structure and climate and an extensively educated labor force. Botswana is a better example in extensive natural resources endowments , (Phirinyane 23). Corruption level is low in Botswana and an independent judiciary enacts agreements efficiently and safeguards property rights. A relatively efficient regulatory environment and open trade policies have underpinned competitiveness, whereas exports of diamond have reinforced effective foreign exchange flows. The department of finance is effectively developed, with a reliable central bank as well as minimal interventions by the government. Even though, the public debts are still low, the administration has attempted consolidation of fiscal to lower increased deficits of the global meltdown. The outstanding external level of debts of Botswana remains low and sustainable based of surpluses of perennial budget and extensive external policies of debts, irrespective of its current... This paper explores the economy of Botswana with specific emphasis on market labor, economic growth, taxes, debts and key factors, that impact economic growth of the nation. Botswana has been among the top popular world’s economic rate of growth starting independence. Nevertheless, the growth of economy was slow in 2009, with thirty percent decline of industrial sector, after the worldwide crisis minimized the Botswana’s diamonds demand. Even though, the Botswana witnessed economic recovery in 2010, the growth of GDP has similarly reduced. Via fiscal discipline as well as proper management, the country regenerated itself from the slowest economically growing nation and attained a middle-income nation with about sixteen thousand and eight hundred dollar GDP per capita by 2012. The economic freedom of Botswana ranges to about 70.6, achieving the 30th position of the freest economy in the index of 2013. It has an average score of 1.0 point grater that 2012 mainly because of progressive improvements in liberty from economic corruption and government expenditure management. The country is the second in forty-six nations in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa and has average score greater than the global and regional averages. The economy of Botswana is expanding mainly due to foreign investment fueled by reduced taxes, stability in political structure and climate and extensively educated labor force. The labor market of Botswana experiences constraints like increased unemployment levels and mismatch among supply and demand of labor.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chinese Coolie Labor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chinese Coolie Labor - Essay Example es between the Chinese coolie trade and African slave trade was that the coolies were either deceived or kidnaped and then kept in detention centers that were as dangerous as the once used in the slave trade. The difference between the trades was that the Chinese government kept tabs on what was happening to the coolies that had been contracted in the Latin American region, USA, Canada. The coolies were also paid as per the contract agreement as opposed to African slaves (1). According to Hu-Dehart (1994), The coolies that went to Cuba most of them died due to mistreatment or the poor working conditions. Most of them did not out leave their contract that was mostly for around six years. The other difference between the Chinese Coolies and African slave trade is that whereas the African slaves got captured, the Chinese coolie went to work voluntarily due to factors like poverty and famine. The coolie trade is very different from the slave trade and cannot be considered as slave trade. This is because the two are very different. Below are some of the reasons that make the coolie trade different from the slave trade. They included: The coolie workers had a contract: according to According to Hu-Dehart (1994), the coolie workers had a contract of five years under the British and eight years in Cuba and Peru. The contract was between a free employee and an employer. The contract also spelled out the duties and obligations of the employees. It also included the wages and the other kind payment that the employer could receive like food clothing and housing (39). The coolies also had the right to buy out their contract at the end of their contract or when they reached the age of twenty-six years so long as they had the funds to buy out their contraction. In case of a slave, one remained so their whole life that is why it sis unfair to say that coolie trade was slavery since coolies had the right to regain their freedom at the end of the contract (44). The coolies

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War - Essay Example Lincoln’s actions resulted in the success of the civil war. During the American Revolution and the adoption of the constitution, there emerged differences between the North and the South. The conflicts were based on their varying opinions on establishing a new nation. Sectionalism increased in the country promoting the start of the civil war due to the different cultural and economic perspectives between the northerners and the southerners. The interest of each of the sections was more crucial to its people than the interests of the whole country. The civil war could also have started because of the differences between the Free States and the slave States over the power of the national government to stop slavery in the regions that were not yet stated. The different philosophical positions of the north and the south over the power of the federal government further facilitated the civil war. Southern philosophers supported the notion of the states’ rights. The southerners feared that the federal government could have the ultimate powers to own slaves as it did in Northwest Ordinance and Missouri. According to the southerners, the states had the authority and not the people who, are represented by the federal government (Finkelman, 2011). On the contrary, the Northerners recognized the ultimate power of the federal government The debate over Slavery is cited as the other cause of the civil war. The Republicans opposed the idea of expanding slavery into the territories and aired their views through their candidate, Abraham Lincoln. On the other hand, the Democrats supported the right of southern states to take the slaves into their territories. The northerners emphasized on containing the slaves claiming that the slaves were valuable to the Northern region.  

The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Example for Free

The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Winston Churchill Winston S. Churchill was a former prime minister of England during 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955. He had been well known for his leadership, oratory skills and bold statements regarding political issues (internationally and locally). He was also described as being: bold, confident, manipulative, courageous, determined, outspoken, brave, and stubborn. Born into the likes of a rich family, he often undervalued the importance and value of money reflecting at times during his time as Prime Minister. As he matured, he often contemplated between a life in the army or in Parliament. His contemplation became his reality as he would â€Å"switch† between the army and Parliament as an adult. While in the army serving in various places, he became an accomplished writer and war reporter while also showing his outgoing personality. Through multiple years of this experience, he developed his writing skills and his oratory skills while being involved in world issues. Soon he developed his â€Å"bold† views on ideas (e. g. less influence in India) and having iron fist strength in his beliefs and opinions. When we finally decided Parliament was the right home for him, the Nazis’ and Hitler were preparing for their â€Å"blitzkrieg† and were preparing for the starting phases of WW2. Churchill started to realize the threat this posed and voiced out to the government in 1939 that the English government had to be more â€Å"pro-active† about Hitler. Churchill’s predictions came out true and the threat posed became imminent to the English government after the invasion on Norway and the failed campaign in Norway as well. Churchill came out as Prime Minister in 1940 after the previous Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, resigned. Right off the bat, he allotted majority of finances into the military task forces and declared war on Germany. He also stated his steadfast refusal to consider defeat, surrender or compromise peace with Hitler. Later when major countries (e. g. France) fell under the blitzkrieg, Churchill embodied his country’s will to resist and continue fighting the war. His oratory (particularly his speeches and radio broadcasts) inspired the British men. These acts helped inspire British resistance, the only active resistance against Hitler and his Nazi forces. Churchill had also spent numerous hours with the British people who were suffering from air raids by the Luftwaffe and typing numerous letters to get U. S. A into the war. Over the next few years when Russia and U. S. A had become allies and began closing in on Germany, Churchill knew this war was over and the allies had won. His prediction was, again, correct. When he announced this, he said, â€Å"This is your victory. The people shouted: No, it is yours. † Many people around the world appreciated the efforts and actions of Churchill; however, with the pinnacle of military victory, he tasted political defeat. The actions of what Winston Churchill had done for all the British people and everyone around the world is beyond words. Without him, Britain and many other countries would have been in serious trouble during WW2 and the firmness of his beliefs had inspired everyone to truly believe in their ideologies, something that we have seen quite a bit since Churchill’s time period. Some examples: Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Arab Springs protests. They had all believed in their ideologies and proved it to themselves and the world, something great Churchill had started and shown the world.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Challenges in human resource management faced by foreign businesses

Challenges in human resource management faced by foreign businesses According to the figures established by the World Bank in 1996 there has been unmatchable rate of economic growth in East Asian countries including china, Indonesia and Vietnam. The annual growth rate of the above mentioned countries was 7.8%, 6% and 8% respectively. The major reason for East Asian expansion was the foreign direct investment which by 1994 accounted for 54% of total foreign direct investment in developing countries by western companies. China had been on top by inviting 75% of total foreign direct investment made in 1994 in major East Asian countries. (World Bank, 1996) It has been the second largest country to invite maximum foreign direct investment. (UNCTAD, 1995) Foreign direct investment not just came with huge amount of investments of western world into big Chinese companies but many mergers, acquisitions, subsidiaries and joint ventures came with it. When we see many advantages of foreign direct investment, which will likely to remain the reason for growth in East Asian countries in future, there are certain disadvantages which cant be overlooked. The major concern was and going to be the management of human resource. Matching business practices to those of conventional Chinese companies and gradually leading them in the direction of modern business practices and keeping the productivity as high as possible is one of the toughest challenges western managers face and sometime might not be able to deal with it. Training and development of expatriates and saving early repatriate is just another challenge companies face when they are conducting businesses overseas. One of the biggest challenge for human resource managers is to understand the culture and to set up business practices and policies in accordance with it because without having known the norms, traditions and values one just cant make decisions which can be fruitful and give good return on investments made. Chinese culture is intense so to speak. Least adaptive to the changes in modern world economy which requires quick addressing to rapidly changing needs and demands of the customers, implication of new skills, information sharing, etc. In late 1950s Iron Rice policy has been the foundation of Chinese personnel management which indicates the guaranteed job security, income and benefits for lifetime. (Warner, 1996; Korzec, 1992) Later in 2001 Iron Rice policy had to be broken when china joined world trade organisation due to issues raised by some economists. The biggest drawback of this policy if it had been in practice even now would be poor response to changing competition and low productivity because 50 years old cant be as efficient and competitive as 25 years old. In 1978, Chinese government introduced The Open Door policy which was to modernize Chinese industry and to introduce western technology and management skill and this was achieved by international equity joint ventures. (Warner, 1996) One of the problems mentioned in above paragraphs is sharing of information which was noted even in extreme situations where there it was necessary to overcome the hindrances or to stop the business from demise. (Child, 1994) Behaviour which limits the quality of work and productivity can be reinforced by cultural values. Guanxi refers to personal relations or exchange of favours based on friendships. (Chen, 1995) Its like you give me something and I give you something back. Keeping a healthy and friendly relation with employees helped the expatriate managers do well at times but it is sometimes not convenient to establish relationships and run the system based on universal values. (Sergeant, Frenkal: 1998) On the other hand Guanxi counters performance based values and systems as in most of western organisations. HRM practices are more or less cultural sensitive. Lockett indicated four main features of Chinese culture to understand the business and management practices in Chinese firms. 1) Respect for age and hierarchy which results in centralised decision making system, 2) Face and harmony which is considered significant aspects of social life in china, 3) Group orientation refers to being a part of certain group, team or faction, Chinese people like to be represented on the basis of group they are part of, 4) Personal relationships (Guanxi) as explained above is return of favours based on friendships. The above mentioned features of Chinese culture help us understand the long followed norms seen even now in some companies. The question arises whether to follow standard universalistic values or to focus on localization of human resource practices in order to keep business going. In a survey conducted by Bjorkman and Lu found out that the degree of standard globalisation was higher than localisation of human resource management. According to the findings standardisation was higher in companies with strong western partners. Due to the tension between MNC standardisation and localisation of HRM companies choose either of two. The distinction between MNC standards and human resource localization companies seems to be shifting away from implementing Chinese or western management practices and rather focusing on what kind of techniques and practices are required in a certain company. Sometimes companies hire groups of Chinese employees under the supervision of expatriate managers. This helps companies to successfully establish businesses in China but later find it difficult to change the work culture and practices due to strong interpersonal relations (Guanxi). In and out group is another aspect which give managers a hard time to establish good relations and to externally hired Chinese employees. Foreign subsidiaries face double pressure to not only conforming to local environment and norms in which they operate but also to parent company expectations to maintain the internal consistency. (Westney, 1993) In order to keep the business going successfully companies should mix its global standards with the local policies and make a hybrid system in which some of the norms of Chinese culture can be accepted and some can be adapted. Developing an effective work force is a major challenge in China. Achieving cheap labour is easy but to achieve good labour relation is a bit hard thing. This challenge comes with four main concerns as noted by Weldon and Vanhonacker. 1) Selecting local people who have potential to succeed, 2) Providing the learning and training experience they need for development, 3) Retaining the best employees, and 4) Managing day to day work relationships. It is difficult for expatriate managers to hire proactive people who can take an initiative in company related matters as happen in western companies. In a related study managers reported that Chinese employees keep avoiding the issue until it becomes difficult to ignore. When solutions are addressed they are mostly are based on precedents while in western companies managers appreciate employees who take an initiative to raise the issues and address them proactively. The solutions are mostly new ones based on the issue of the time and not on p recedents. Continuous improvement and creativity is valued and rewarded in western companies. People and companies when coming to china from west face an immense change in culture and life style of Chinese people. In Chinese education system students are taught what to think and not how to think which keep those stick to the same life style and thinking throughout their lives and the impact of which can be seen in the companies they work. Respect, precedents are highly valued in Chinese culture. Western managers come from a total different culture where they are brought up in an education system where liberty of thinking and thinking beyond the point it valued and when above two come together it is turbulent for western mangers to deal with Chinese employees. To deal with these issues Chinese government has formed Human resource centres to help the western staff get the better understanding of the culture and establish better relationships with the employees to keep the ship flowing smoothly. In order to be competitive in the market a company need employees who are talented and take up the pressure and render tasks as they come in the way. Even with this realisation there is a shortage of talented people in china which is predicted to become a major barrier in current and future growth. (Ma Trigo, 2008) The shortage of talented people is because of the fact that china has invited huge sums of foreign direct investments. According to the estimates its shows that 50,000 foreign companies enter china market every year striving to find, recruit and retain talented people they need to run businesses. (Taylor, 2008; Zeng, Soosay Hyland, 2008) This brings the need for human resource talent management. China lacks world-class talent required by multinational corporations. The greater concern is the managerial skills. According to the study conducted china will need 75000 people in managerial positions and currently has only 5000 people on the labour market. (Farrell Grant, 2005) Multinational corporations find themselves competing with restructured Chinese companies which have raised the need for effective human resource talent management strategies which makes it a major concern for western multinational corporations. (Cheung, 2008; Ma Trigo, 2008; Taylor, 2007) Talent management has become widely acknowledged concern of companies worldwide but most of the times the national differences are not taken into account. (Colling Mellahi, 2009) Shweyer defines talent management as sourcing, screening, selection, retention and renewel of the workforce with analysis and planning. It also includes talent gap analysis, talent reviews and succession planning evaluation. (Mccauley Wakefield, 2006) It is very necessary to understand the local system before starting the operations. Transferring of human resource management policies and practices from the headquarters to the subsidiaries is bit complicated. Companies need to counterbalance globally standardised human resource practices while responding to local demands. (Bjorkman, 2008) the hybrid set of policies often helps more than just trying to implement Chinese or western policies in the company, the hybrid system which has more Chinese practices and gradually shifting it toward the western system o f policies. The question is if western policies and practices are to be implemented than to what degree and to what extent they should be implemented and integrated in the system. (Bjorkman Levrik, 2008) In order to transfer the human resource management practices from home country to china, institutional factors as well as cultural factors tend to influence the adaption and responsiveness of the human resource practices. (Gamble, 2003) Collings and Mellahi explain that talent management is widely used term but in actual it is fragmented into various aspects of strategic human resource management. There are three different perspectives explained by Lewis and Heckman in this regard. The first perspective focuses on gathering of basic human resource management practices. Researchers in this field have a broader view of talent management. The traditional human resource management practices can be distinguished from strategic human resource management by being more future-oriented by keeping in line with the overall strategy of the firm. (Blackman, Kennedy, 2008) The second perspective says that talented employees are valuable goods for the company which need to be sought after irrespective of some organisational needs. Researchers in this field categorise employees in top, middle and low performers. An argument was established that companies with more top level performers are stronger (Walker Larroco, 2002) but this idea was questioned as it is not always desire able to fill all the positions with top level employees. (Collings Mellahi, 2009) The third perspective focuses on job flow of employees within the organization. This has more to deal with internal labour market than external labour market. The fourth perspective which was recently established by Collings and Mellahi is the emphasis on the positions which put an impact on the competition, the positions which have direct relation to the competency of the organization. According to this perspective firms should focus on the pivotal positions rather than just filling talented employees. Its basically about the identification of key positions which have direct impact on competition. To remain competitive it is essential to retain the talented employees. This could be achieved by continuous motivation and building a relation between employee and employer. This is one way to keep their commitment high with the organisation and stay with it for long term which in turn helps the company grow and remain competitive over the time. To understand the human resource management in china expatriates should get an understanding about the political and economic structure of china. The businesses in china are classified as state-owned, collectives, subsidiaries or joint ventures. Joint ventures have become common in recent years. More and more employees want to work with companies came into existence as a result of joint ventures and subsidiaries for better remunerations and benefits for skills they provide. Due to chinas higher education standards which lack many points which have become topics of concern these days it is hard for expatriate managers to deal with the issues and devise solutions to problems according to local environment. In most cases the Chinese partner of joint ventures is state-owned company from the same industry. It is thus easy for the companies to higher staff as this is the most radially available source in the beginning and many companies try to tap this source. There is a disadvantage to this approach as well. Labour which is being transferred from the Chinese partner company may inherit the qualities of the old organization which might be an opposing force to the kind of environment joint venture wants to establish. Joint ventures in China are allowed to hire people from outside the organisation with or without the help of local labour department. The abundance of labour might make one think that employer is spoiled by choice which is only true if hiring non-skilled or semi-skilled employees. When it comes to hire skilled or talented labour its bit hard for the companies to deal with as explained earlier that talented employees are considered as commodities for a company. Finding right employees not easy let alone getting skilled labour transferred from the old employers because it is more difficult to do so. One reason to hire fresh graduates from universities is that they dont bring bad management practices with them. It is easier to mould them according to organisational culture and make them work, think and perform in the organisation according to companies standards. If the labour department dont support a company for the transfer of the skilled labour, they will also refuse to reveal the recruits file which has all the information regarding their past experiences, salary, ranks along with their educational and political histories. Failure to get the file it restricts employees to take up a new job. Getting employees transferred from other cities might require as many as twenty approvals. (Tsang, 2010) With the foreign direct investment flooding into china there is a scarce of talented employees and it is inarguably becomes unacceptable for the recruits work units to release them to new employers. Tsang quotes and example about how difficult it is to get an employee transferred from on company to another company. Guangdong Float Glass Company once placed vacancies in the newspaper. At the end thirty new employees were offered jobs but ten couldnt take up the job as their work units didnt allow them. Another case was when China Hewlett-Packard could heir only six engineers because rest of them were not allowed by their work units to take up a new job. In order to get a recruit transferred a company can seek help from the local labour bureau. Even if the local labour bureau is willing to help the transfer of an employee completely depends on political clout of the recruits work unit. If the work unit is state-owned large corporation the local labour bureau is no likely to help. If the work unit is a small enterprise then the local labour bureau will help to get an employee transferred but in that case the new company will have to compensate the old employer for all the education, training and development of the recruit. In china firing is even more difficult than hiring an employee. If the fired employee comes from Chinese partner of the joint venture then they will have to go back to the same company which will be hard for it to allocate them a job again but there are certain regulations for joint ventures to fire a person. An employee can be dismissed if they become redundant as a change in production and technical conditions or who fails to live up to the expectations even after relevant training and development and not suitable for transfer to other works. According to the regulations the company can take action which can be dismissal if the recruit has violated the ventures regulation which may have led it to severe consequences. The venture cannot dismiss an employee for its own purposes and thus needs to inform the in charge department and the local labour bureau. The labour union should be given an advance notice and time to protest about the discharge. These are some kind of barriers to dis missal a joint venture or foreign subsidiary faces. Many companies are flooding in china for cheap labour and low cost productivity but in actual end paying more than the labour wages in other developing countries. The Chinese regulation says that wages in a joint venture must be 120% to 150% higher than sate owned enterprise in the same line of business and locality. The reason behind this regulation explains that more skilled employees are required in joint ventures. Many investors later realise that they had been over charged by Chinese side. (Tsang, 2010) Trade union is another aspect of Chinese businesses. Many trade unions have been established in many joint ventures. They are at times very helpful in accomplishing the tasks as they have the responsibility of carrying out necessary education, training and development of the workers. Another duty which trade unions perform and should be welcomed by foreign investors is to arrange technical and professional courses and recreational and cultural activities. The presence of trade unions is often helpful for Chinese as well as foreign joint ventures. Many foreign joint ventures found trade unions presence very helpful, in accomplishing the tasks, and less confronting. To conclude my essay I would say that when conducting a business in china there are often many problems a firm faces. The cause to those problems can either be institutional or cultural. The institutional problems include issues related to political and economic structures of the country. These issues are mostly the result of government policies and the aftermath of Cultural Revolution. On the other hand culture changes at a slower pace than economic changes. It takes longer to change peoples perception and their attitudes developed over centuries. If the human resource problem arises because of any economic issue it can be addressed and overcome but as far as cultural issues are concerned like explained above will take time to fix. Human resource management does face a lot of challenges when working in china but the causes to most problems are not under their control but the parent company has all the freedom to choose who they want to assign the key positions in the joint ventures or subsidiaries. Possessing world-class managerial skills and qualification is one thing but adapting to change when send abroad and liking for the new culture is very important. The expatriate managers should be accommodating toward culture as well as concerns of Chinese which is very different from their own. Being cultural sensitive helps them save themselves from early repatriates and deal with the bureaucracy and know the hardships of working in developing country. As for the education as per the western companies standards, China according to my understanding has figured out the issue and importance of being competitive. They have sensed that there are loopholes in their higher education standards which lag them behind. We see hundreds of thousands of Chinese students flooding to western countries each year for higher education so that they can fulfil the educational demand of the multinational corporations entering in china every year. Guanxi which has been discussed several times above in this essay still is very important to obtain scarce resource and benefits which cant otherwise be obtained. It also helps to tackle bureaucratic issues. In order to make their expatriate managers stay in china for long companies should conduct an extensive training and development program before sending them abroad and avoid extended overseas stay that dont often leave a good impact on productivity.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Rite Of Manhood Essay -- All the Pretty Horses Maturity Essays

The Rite Of Manhood At some point in childhood, most people consider running away, most for a few days but, in some cases, forever. Many causes influence a child to run away, including fights, abuse, and unhappiness. In All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy, two boys run away into the Wild West to find a life you can only read about. Though they can never find this perfect place, the journey itself is extraordinary. The reader is taken on a ride that entails danger, love, and, ultimately, self discovery. This ride has rite of passage written all over it. The novel builds and destroys a surreal adventure that describes the transition from boyhood to manhood. The novel describes the transition of John Grady from a surreal, inocuous youth to a real and painful manhood. The reoccurring theme of John Grady’s rite of passage begins with a simple conversation between father and son, a relationship in which the unsophisticated, young boy looks up to a figure of superiority. The youth of this boy is first illustrated by a conversation between the two in which John Grady’s father says, â€Å"When I come around askin you what I’m supposed to do you’ll know you’re big enough to tell me.† (McCarthy, 8) The inferiority and youth of this boy in the shadow of his father is clear here. This can also be seen when John Grady asks if he can run the ranch and his mother says, â€Å"you’re sixteen years old, you can’t run a ranch.† (McCarthy, 15) This is particularly intriguing because we are introduced to his bright, ambitious character which is only marginalized by his age. These early indications of John Grady’s youth set up a motive for running away. He is not getting the respect or recognition he feels he deserves. The latter quotation is in fact... last seeing the harsh reality of the world and not the fairytale he was used to. It is unfortunate that he flung himself wholeheartedly into his adulthood because he now has to face the painful realization that youth is a gift which protects those innocent ‘heart[s]’ from a world of troubles. John Grady’s heart was not that lucky. It craved the surreal adventure and got more than a spoonful of life. In All the Pretty Horses, John Grady’s passage to manhood is symbolized by a surreal adventure that is destroyed in the end by the harsh reality of this manhood. At first it does not seem possible that John Grady could mature so quickly but the reader definitely sees him shed his happy, boyish nature by the end of the novel. And though this seems sad, it doesn’t truly matter because the lessons learned on this journey were more important than the journey itself.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Miller Inside and Out Essay -- Character Analysis, Miller, Alison

The relationship between the Miller and the Miller’s Tale is close, for the tale is a reflection of the teller. The Miller’s tale is a fabliau, a genre best described as a short story full of ribald and humor. The Miller’s tale consists of events of â€Å"cuckoldry† (Chaucer 1720), â€Å"foolishness† (1718), and â€Å"secrets† (1719). Telling such a story, the Miller can immediately be classified as a man of low social status with a vulgar sense of humor full of shrewdness. However, as the tale continues, it reveals the unexpected soft side of the Miller as he sympathizes with the distressed woman trapped in the norms of society. Thus, the Miller’s characteristics of obscenity, deception, and sympathy drive the plot of his tale. In his attempt to surpass the Knight, the Miller sacrifices decorum for the sake of entertainment, reflecting his bawdy nature. When first traveling with the Miller, Chaucer listened to the Miller bellow â€Å"his ballads and jokes of harlotries† (1712). Scandalous topics appear throughout the Miller’s tale of a young girl â€Å"so graceful and so slim† named Alison who cheats on her husband, John, with his student, Nicholas (1720). When â€Å"handy Nicholas† first encounters Alison, he â€Å"[catches] her between the legs† and woos her, and they devise a plan to sleep with each other secretly (1721). This lecherous scheme fuels the entire plot of the tale. However, the parish clerk Absolom with his â€Å"gray eyes† and â€Å"nightingale† nature, typical attributes of lusty men, attempts to win Alison’s heart (1722, 1723). Although Absolom utilizes every method to win Alison’s heart even chewing â€Å"licorice and carda mom,† he ends up kissing her â€Å"bare bum† whereas Nicholas sleeps with her (1729, 1730). Chaucer’s initial encounter with the drunken Mi... ...nsequences (1732). By justifying Alison’s actions and letting her remain unharmed, the Miller sympathizes with the helpless Alison, revealing his unexpected sensitive quality. The drunken Miller tells his tale of obscenity, deception, and sympathy in his attempt to surpass the Knight. Although his physical traits and actions characterize the Miller as bawdy and dishonest, his hidden sympathy for Alison reveals he is somewhat gentle. Each character resembles the Miller’s attributes. Nicholas is both deceitful and lusty while Absolom is just lusty. Alison’s helplessness may exist since the Miller is helpless in his own life, causing him to steal in order to survive in the medieval society since it was harder for poorer men to make a living. Thus, the manifestations of the Miller’s characteristics and their outcomes bring light to the Miller’s true humane nature.

Aristotle the Great Philosopher Essay

Aristotle was one of the most profound philosophers of all time. He was a pupil of Plato; he adapted many of Plato’s concepts into his own. Aristotle follows in the footsteps of Plato and Socrates idea of taking the virtues to be vital in a well-lived life. Based on the precise nature, true happiness can be found. In this paper, I will discuss Aristotle’s beliefs of human good and human flourishing. Aristotle’s most influential work was Nichomachean Ethics. No one is quite sure where Nichomachean Ethics originated from; they assume it is either, a combination of lecture notes from Aristotle or his students. He believes that every human activity aims at some good; every human activity aims at some end. He believes that good equals end. Aristotle refers to good as being the object of an action. He believes people should be goal oriented no matter if the goal is morally good or bad. Aristotle thought that human actions are not haphazard, random, gratuitous, and purposeless. Otherwise, they’re relevance is the distinguishing mark of human rationality, as opposed to the instinctive ness of animal conduct or an unintentional sequence of natural events. He believes that humans seek rational means to attain their goals. (Zunjic, Books 1 & 2) Aristotle was born in 384 BCE and later died in 322 BCE. He grew up in Stagirus, which was a small Greek colony. His father was a physician to King Amyntas of Macedonia. The Macedonia Court would influence Aristotle’s life, greatly. Aristotle’s father died while he was still a child. His guardian, Proxenus, sent him to Athens. While in Athens, he became a pupil of Plato; he attended Plato’s lectures for twenty years. He then began to lecture himself, particularly about rhetoric. (Aristotle’s Biography) After Plato had died, Aristotle may have become the leader of the Academy, except his differences in teaching. They gave the leadership role to Plato’s nephew, Seusippus. Aristotle then left Athens and went to a different court. He married Pythias and then a short while after he moved to the island of Lesbos. Some years later, Aristotle was invited back to Macedonia by the King to tutor the young Alexander. Their ideas differed, which lead to an interesting relationship. (Aristotle’s biography) Aristotle taught and managed the Lyceum for twelve years, producing, during this time, his lecture notes. Only a small amount of Aristotle’s works had survived over the years. Aristotle’s works included all the major areas of thought: logic, science, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. He developed a new theory of form that differed from Plato, created a system of deductive reasoning for universal and existential statements, and produced a theory of the universe, matter, life, and mind. (Aristotle’s Biography) Aristotle expanded his knowledge significantly when he studied under Plato, if his guardian had not sent him to Athens he probably would have never studied under Plato. Though Aristotle learned a lot from Plato, his ideas also differed greatly, and he was a great thinker all on his own. Aristotle might not have been the great philosopher that he is without the guidance of Plato. â€Å"Aristotle’s style of lecturing involved walking around in in covered walkways, for which reason Aristotle was called ‘Peripatetic’ meaning walking around. † (www. about. com) Greek influences helped shape what Aristotle believed. His education under Plato was also a huge influencing factor. He believed that there were only two causes in the universe: form and matter; form and matter leads to intelligence. Aristotle was a firm believer that education and morality went hand in hand with each other. He thought it was the duty of the state to produce well rounded citizens who would lead good lives. The realization of oneself is the main way to reach goodness. Aristotle has been recognized as one of the greatest philosophers of all time. He has had essential time working with other top philosophers of his time. Years after his death, people still learn and adapt his beliefs. Aristotle was a teleologist, meaning, he believed that all existing things have a purpose. Aristotle was way ahead of his time, in his thinking. Many of the ideas he had were completely baffling to others around him. They still take a great deal of thought to grasp what he means but it is worth examining. Aristotle believes in instrumental goods and self-sufficient goods. Multiple instrumental goods are needed to achieve ourselves; they include health, friendship, wealth, knowledge, and virtue. The ancient Greek word for virtue is, ‘Arete’ meaning excellence. The excellence a person demonstrates when acting towards virtue. Virtue, when practice, begins to make us who we are. Aristotle believes that virtue must be practice habitually, so that everyone has the capacity to perfect their own character. (Aristotle Ethics Podcast 1) He believed that every idea can be traced back to the very beginning. This is known as finite regress: finite, meaning an end, and regress, meaning to trace back. Objects of thought can be traced back to the very beginning; many consequences lead to the knowledge of the object of thought. He thought that the idea in your head can be traced back, because the idea in your head is a product of everything else, even what people earlier had in their head. Once the thought reaches the corner stone, you cannot go any farther, showing it has one clear beginning. He does not believe in infinite regress that would mean there would be no defined order. (Aristotle Ethics Podcast 2) Aristotle was not concerned with his own good but, rather, the good for all humans. He called this good, eudaimonia, meaning happiness. Eudaimonia serves as the one, final self-sufficient good. He did not believe happiness was just a feeling; he believed it was also a way of living. Many have adapted this idea as human flourishing. Human flourishing involves achievement of excellence. He believes that everyone aims at some good, but different people have different ideas of what good is. The product of the activity should be better than the activity, says Aristotle. The end is the achievable good. (Kessler, 80-87) Aristotle’s beliefs can be used to view life today. His ideas of what a good is and how to reach human flourishing influence life today. When examining any thought, it is almost possible to try and trace it back to where it originated. Aristotle showed that everything has a clear beginning and end, and that everyone should try to have a life full of virtues. Aristotle’s ideas influenced many other philosophers for years after his time. He was a great influence on medieval scholasticism: much of the Roman Catholic theology shows his ideas of teleology. It was also a big influence to biology; but it was banished from physics by the scientific revolution. Aristotle is a firm believer that happiness is the most important thing in life. Ethics was the main topic Aristotle focused on, the difference between what is a right or wrong, good and evil, rule and virtues, character and vice, success and happiness. Works Cited â€Å"Aristotle – Greek Philosopher Aristotle. † About. com Ancient / Classical History. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. . â€Å"Aristotle of Stagirus – Biography. † Aristotle. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. . Flip4Learning. â€Å"Aristotle’s Ethics (Part One). † YouTube. YouTube, 04 Mar. 2012. Web. 03 Dec. 2012. . Flip4Learning. â€Å"Aristotle’s Ethics (Part Two). † YouTube. YouTube, 04 Mar. 2012. Web. 03 Dec. 2012. . â€Å"Nicomachean Ethics. † Nicomachean Ethics. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. . Kessler, Gary E. Voices of Wisdom: A Multicultural Philosophy Reader. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2010. Print.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Policing in the Modern World Essay

Law enforcement work has evolved greatly over the years – from its early introduction in Colonial America with the use of Sheriffs, who collected taxes and enforced colonial laws, to today’s sophisticated large and widespread local, state, and federal agencies. Relative to the evolvement of law enforcement work, the type of candidate that police agencies seek to fill these employment slots has also changed drastically. Today in the United States candidates for police officer positions are put through a rigorous and strict hiring process to ensure strong applicants are picked for the openings. The hiring process is lengthy and usually includes written and physical exams, oral boards, a background investigation, medical and psychological screenings, and a polygraph test. All these steps are designed to remove unsuitable applicants. I feel that I possess several character traits and leadership qualities that would help me as a sworn police officer and a leader. However, th ere are aspects of my personality that could be improved to better my chances at being successful in that particular line of work. Look more:  perseverance essay Some aspects of my character that I think would help me in a possible career in law enforcement are flexibility, intuition, patience, common sense, and I am a team player. Additionally, my leadership qualities, specifically integrity and perseverance would also benefit me in a possible career in law enforcement. Flexibility is important in the context that you never know what you will be asked and/or required to do. Every call you go on will differ from the last in some sort of aspect. Things could change moment by moment and you have to be able to adapt to those changes to effectively do your job. Flexibility also includes being able to deal with new equipment, new procedures, administrators that come and go, and politicians that come and  go. I learned very much about flexibility in the while serving as an Infantry team leader in the Marine Corps. You had to be able to adjust to changing orders and missions on the fly. I quickly realized there was no typical day while deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Learning to adjust to the situation at hand and being ready for anything played a large role in mission success and survival. Intuition is a quality that is needed by law enforcement personnel. The ability to take in a great deal of information and calculate a conclusion based upon it is extremely important in police work. As a police officer you respond to a call, talk to victims/witnesses, collect statements and evidence, and then form an educated conclusion on what happened all in a timely manner. This conclusion may even lead to the arrest of an individual. A lack of intuition could ultimately lead to the arrest of innocent people or the release of criminals. Another important aspect that one in a law enforcement capacity should have is patience. Chances are you are going to come across people, both who you work with and come in contact with on the street, which will require you to exercise extreme patience. Everyone has had a co-worker that you just cannot stand to be around. It takes patience to deal with this person and not create a hostile work environment. Then there are the people that you will meet on the streets that will be intoxicated or under the influence drugs. People under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs may act in ways that will test the patience of even the most veteran and seasoned officers. However much you are tested, by some of the people you may come in contact with, it is in the officer’s best interest to approach them in a professional manner and use tact and patience in resolving these situations. Losing your patience and possibly mistreating these people, no matter how ridiculous they behave/act, is unprofessional. These days common sense plays a large role in the policing community. Common sense knowledge is highly valued in police culture as a means of dealing with the many ambiguous situations that officers face (McNulty). Applying common sense while on the job and in your private, off-duty, life  is equally important. The use of common sense will often tell you the difference between what is right and what is wrong. This practice can help eliminate problems that may arise with the use of poor decision making. My ability to work in a team is a strength that I have learned through years of sports, employment, and the military. Being part of a team means accepting the leadership and the opinions of others regardless of your own beliefs and feelings. Teamwork is the keystone of any successful organization. Each individual must be dedicated to the whole team, be willing to act unselfishly, and communicate problems and ideas to solve them. A productive team has individuals that share common goals, a common vision and have some level of interdependence that requires both verbal and physical interaction (Sugarman). I have many strengths that I feel will make me a strong candidate for a career in law enforcement. Yet, there are some aspects of my character that need improvement; to improve in these areas would make me an even better police officer. I tend not to be candid at times, excessively trustworthy, and often I am my biggest critic. I have a tendency to not be candid at times because I am inclined to keep my opinions to myself. I think that a law enforcement officer has to have a certain level of assertiveness when making contact with offenders and members of the community. There is no room for being soft spoken when on patrol. This could be picked up as a sign of weakness by career criminals who have had dealings with law enforcement before and know what to look for. A sign of weakness can be enough for a criminal to try to exploit it to keep his or her freedom. To overcome this weakness I need to work on improving my self-confidence. I can improve my self-confidence skills by being more outgoing with my coworkers and in social situations. Excessive trust is another shortcoming of mine. I tend to not necessarily believe everything from everyone’s mouth. Still, past experiences have shown that I would never dispute them. Everyone you come in to contact with will not always be the most reliable source of information. This becomes a problem when you take every word for face value or to avoid confrontation. To  defeat this flaw I feel that sometimes disagreeing with people’s views or recollection of past events, when appropriate, will help me to express my own opinions. By expressing my own opinions I can set the facts straight as opposed to just accepting someone else’s misinformation. Perhaps my greatest weakness is that I am my own worst critic. I can beat myself up more than anyone else. Only I know all of my strengths and weakness. Typically, I will down play my strengths in a modest fashion and exaggerate my weakness. I do not think it is always a bad thing to criticize yourself if you do so in a constructive manner. It becomes a problem when the self-criticism becomes too great to effectively manage your weaknesses and learn from your past experiences. To conquer this weakness I need to learn how to not be so hard on myself. The only way to do this is to first realize that I have many qualities that are strong suited for a career in law enforcement. Secondly, by pinpointing my weakness I can explore constructive ways to improve them. As far as leadership goes, I have always prided myself on having a positive working relationship with fellow employees or teammates all while maintaining the highest possible standards for mission success. The two aspects are very important to any organization. I believe the Team Style Method of leadership is the most rewarding. A person who feels they are a constructive part of the unit is more likely to produce a higher level of output for the success and overall gain of that unit. Using this method increases both the individuals’ and the unit’s chance to prosper from the accomplishments made. In my opinion it is a win-win situation. There are many traits that a great leader will possess. The most essential traits I feel a good leader should have are integrity and perseverance.   Integrity can be defined as owning and adhering to high degree of moral values and professional standards. The function of integrity serves leaders well in the aspect that they are incorruptible and incapable of breaking the trust of those who have confined in them. Leaders with integrity must have an unwavering commitment to culturally accepted values and be willing to defend them (McCrimmon). This requires them to do the right thing even if it is not in their personal interest and when no one else is watching them. Leaders with integrity are responsible, trustworthy, and consistent. Should a leader ever lose their integrity it is virtually impossible for them to get it back. A second aspect of leadership I feel is very important for any leader to have is perseverance. Perseverance is the desire to continue under any circumstance that may emerge. A Master Sergeant once told me that, â€Å"You have to be at your best, even when your men are at their worst†. This quote has remained with me for many years and, to me, exemplifies the very meaning of perseverance. Someone who displays this character trait keeps their eyes on the goal and pushes themselves to accomplish the objective at hand. I look forward to starting an exciting and successful career in law enforcement. While I know I possess many attributes that would make me an excellent officer, I realize that there are some traits that are in need of attention. I can only work to improve weaknesses I have by admitting to the problems and uncovering positive solutions to set them straight. To be successful at this task will take a great deal of dedication and self-reflection. In addition to my weaknesses, I must keep my good characteristics strong. Works Cited McCrimmon, Mitch. â€Å"What Is Leadership Integrity?† Suite101. Suite101, 11 2008. Web. 20 Nov 2012. . McNulty, E. W. (1994), Generating Common Sense Knowledge Among Police Officers. Symbolic Interaction, 17: 281–294. doi: 10.1525/si.1994.17.3.281 Sugarman, K. (2004) Understanding the Importance of Teamwork [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 20/11/2012]