Saturday, October 19, 2019

U.S. Census Data and Mental Maps Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

U.S. Census Data and Mental Maps - Assignment Example In regard to the 2000 U.S. Census, the smallest spatial scale for comprehensive population data such as home, ownership, etc. is Block. In fact, Block data provides the smallest scale since it can be generalized to tabulate other levels of data i.e., other data stream from Block data aggregation. Paths: channels or familiar routes on which observers occasionally, potentially, or customarily move, e.g. the Goshen Trail at IL route 157 2. Districts: Regions with noticeable internal homogeneity, which mentally, the observer gets in â€Å"inside of† and the region has some familiar, recognizable character, e.g. Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. Edges: are lines separating districts, e.g. Izmir Bay. Landmarks: are points of reference, usually distinct physical objects, e.g. the campus Clock Tower. Nodes: is an attraction centre that an observer enters e.g. primary junctions on campus Origins of Cities Both the Ancient Athens and Ancient Rome had civilization and achievements, plus Golden Ages. While the Ancient Athens developed direct democracy, Ancient Rome gave the landowners directives to elect their representation. As Athenians achieved in sculpture, literature and art, drama and comedy, Ancient Rome achieved in engineering, aqueducts and roads and copied the Athenians’ learning. ... The apartment in the medieval cities could be occupied by people, whose vicious cycle obligated them to stay there ((Knox and McCarthy 145). The street design of cities and architecture during the renaissance through the baroque era had the quality of perfect suitability with an expression of a culture’s mechanical knowledge. Architecture became demystified in preparation to the way for contemporary design. Cities such as the Rome got influenced by this period. Mercantile Era (1790-1840). During the Mercantile Era, new gateway cities emerged along waterways which connected the western territories and Atlantic Seaboard. The rise of interstate freeways, sub regional passenger airports, waterway transportation and railroads, increased the mobility of commodities and people. Utilitarianism refers to the ethical policy that the correctness of an action should be based on whether it boosts the total of human delight, or value. During the Mercantile Era in the U.S., businesses used t he utilitarianism philosophy to operate on free competition with maintained reforms to develop the lower classes’ conditions. Figure 1: The Sjoberg’s Model of the Preindustrial City. From figure 1, the preindustrial cities occupied by undersized exclusive elite, catered for through their domestics, have powers over the city’s social functions. The lower classes in the preindustrial city are relatively more than the elites, while the majority consigned to the external city edges are the outcastes. Early Industrial Era (1840-1875) Agglomerate economies refer to the net benefits of putting up one or more businesses within a large population center or city. These economies occur due to market benefits that outweigh the additional expenses of residing in a city.

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