Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War - Essay Example Lincoln’s actions resulted in the success of the civil war. During the American Revolution and the adoption of the constitution, there emerged differences between the North and the South. The conflicts were based on their varying opinions on establishing a new nation. Sectionalism increased in the country promoting the start of the civil war due to the different cultural and economic perspectives between the northerners and the southerners. The interest of each of the sections was more crucial to its people than the interests of the whole country. The civil war could also have started because of the differences between the Free States and the slave States over the power of the national government to stop slavery in the regions that were not yet stated. The different philosophical positions of the north and the south over the power of the federal government further facilitated the civil war. Southern philosophers supported the notion of the states’ rights. The southerners feared that the federal government could have the ultimate powers to own slaves as it did in Northwest Ordinance and Missouri. According to the southerners, the states had the authority and not the people who, are represented by the federal government (Finkelman, 2011). On the contrary, the Northerners recognized the ultimate power of the federal government The debate over Slavery is cited as the other cause of the civil war. The Republicans opposed the idea of expanding slavery into the territories and aired their views through their candidate, Abraham Lincoln. On the other hand, the Democrats supported the right of southern states to take the slaves into their territories. The northerners emphasized on containing the slaves claiming that the slaves were valuable to the Northern region.  

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